CS Finance SOP Approval
Central Santosa Finance, member of BCA Group has trusted us to implement their SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) tracking system, which manage lifecycle of new and existing SOPs. The system handles document versioning management, approval history tracking, user’s SLA (Service Level Agreement), and integration with the Oracle™ system.

Hasna Khaliqa Mandiri Air Quality Monitoring System
HKM AQMS transform raw data of Air Quality recordings into readable and comprehensible data for user to read. The application transforms data into 5 categories: baik (good), sedang (moderate), tidak sehat (unhealthy), sangat tidak sehat (very unhealthy), and berbahaya (dangerous). It served as a decision support system for its user.

Arya Noble eApproval
Arya Noble Holdings is the parent company of various successful business units, including Erha Clinic. We implemented ePproval project for employees’ advance claim or reimbursement process. The implementation made approvals, payments, and tax calculations faster and more efficient.

PT Timah Tbk E-Payment (TAP)
PT. Timah is a State-Owned Enterprise / SOE (BUMN) that focuses on the Tin mine. We are implementing Kecak as an approval system for internal and external payments which is integrated into several existing systems.